Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Find the Sum of Price Elasticity of Othello's Ancient.

Oh well. Exams stink.

Real bad.

Like maggots on cheese and green tea shampoos.

Plus, I'm blogging. When I should really be studying for my Maths paper. And underlining all of Ash-the-super-lit-genius-elf-woman-person-thing's Lit quotes for Coleridge and Othello. She has tons of them, I just hope that I can use something.

Just something. Anything.

I'm sure I will be able to. She's the

Oh yes. I don't have anything interesting to blog about. Nothing's happened so far that's really worth mentioning without any visual aids. So I shall simply blog about the reason I'm blogging right now.

It's not because Zoe's blogging. Sorry dear.

It's this other girl.

She's in the library with us. Like the only other person in the library's first floor. She's kinda annoying seeing as Zoe and I have much better things to do.

She's wierd. No wait. I'm not supposed to use wierd, it's informal. Strange, eccentric, whatever. She's wierd.

I doubt she's even from AJ in the first place, which is, come to think of it, not such a bad thing after all. Who in AJ carries around a pink, fluffy, semi-cute Baby Minnie Mouse pouch? And who uses really outdated versions of MSN Messenger in the school library? And who plays wie- strange games that involved plenty of keyboard pressing. Not button mashing. Button mashing is reserved for console games.

Keyboard pressing is plain annoying. Especially when you're trying to underline
Ultra-Omega-Transformer-Beta person's Lit quotes.

Plus, she uses wierd software that makes funny noises.

Hence, I conclude, that she is NOT from AJ.

Yup. She's the reason I blogged today. So I guess that kinda makes this post dedicated to her.

I hope you find a better place to use computers, Miss Girl. I hope you'll learn how to turn down the volume too.

Oh wait. Thank you

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