Monday, October 16, 2006


it's such a depressing day today.
i don't know why, i just feel so down. i think it's because i missed you too much over the weekend. then i saw you for such a short while before assembly, it wasn't enough to compensate for my longing.

or maybe it was because i have exhausted my happiness last week. i remember being so happy on friday, and saturday. cuz we had stAJe and we could be in the ER together with the stAJe family, most importantly, i could be with you.

today, seeing the J2s not in school, made me realise that i would perhaps not see them again. i then realised that friday was, in fact, the last day of school for them. lots of misses, i don't know how to describe.

i'm going crazy, i wish you were here to hold me down. don't ask me to make horrible promises? i can't go on to J2 without you. you are the reason why i worked hard in the first place. you can't ask me to continue on my own now, i can't do it, i don't know how to. you know how it hurts.

i love you so much.

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