Thursday, November 02, 2006


I need a notebook.

Which is really wierd, seeing as how I have half a dozen of them strewn all over my ex-room with little less than a quarter of the pages used up. They come in all shapes, sizes and colours that would put most rainbows to shame.

But I get distracted far too easily.

I can almost never finish a notebook because of that. The only ones that are sufficiently filled up are the ones that Mervyn, Dexter, Nicol and the rest of the gang drew in. I still keep those books. They make me really happy.

I guess I need a notebook to document my life. Notebooks. Computers just don't cut it. Nothing beats a notebook when it comes to jotting down every minute detail of your life. Stuff that you would want everyone except your parents and teachers to see. Besides, notebooks are a lot lighter than stupid laptops.

I've had so much to blog about, but with PW and all that other stuff in my life, I've long forgotten what was it that I had thought of that interested me enough to expend my limited mental stamina on.

So I need a notebook. I hope I find one soon.

P.S. I love you, Zoe.

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