Saturday, February 10, 2007

Eat your face.

Couldn't think of any better title.

StAJe is taking up a lot of time, great deal of conflict here. Yes, I want the IHDC to turn out well, to be the biggest, grandest and most memorable event AJ will ever have, that's why I step in to help the houses with lighting cues, directorial advice, try to establish proper rapport between director and cast, be nice to the people and ask them if they need help. But YES, I want to have some time alone with Zoe.

Oh well, guess life's like that most of the time.

I spend a great deal of time thinking about the world that Zoe and I will eventually have to live in. And my imagination tells me that it's going to suck so bad you won't want to have any children because you want to spare them the agonizing pain of having to live in a world where everyone wants to be beautiful but fail to be, and sink into condescending abyssmal pits of depression. So bad it makes you want to cut your genitals off.

Sometimes I wonder if a society like the one in Brave New World is better then what we go through. Here you have a world where everyone exploits everyone for something and feel good about it. You have an ever-increasing income gap, a global divide between the non-existant classes that we didn't get segregated into because we're civilised, and lots and lots of justified violence. It's different for the folks in BNW. Yes, you're "exploited" but the great thing is that you don't have a clue that you are. Even the people "exploiting" you don't know what they're doing.

Ignorance is bliss eh?

Anywhos, Valentine's Day is coming and I haven't bought anything for anyone yet. I'm going to have to do like last minute shopping real soon. I think it's sad that I know so many people, but I don't have things to give them. It's a lot easier for me not to give the guys anything, because, well, it's awkward and they'll understand anyway. Thinking of something special to do for Zoe is the real braincell killer.

How do you even begin to express undying affection and everlasting love in the span of one day? Do we really need a stupid day that got relabelled as "Friendship Day" to tell someone that we love them? Crockpots. The whole thing is just a bloody show about who's the better boyfriend. Bloody because you're going to get butchered if you don't perform on that day. Who says men are in charge?

Oh well. We have StAJe on that day. Talk about bummer. Let's see who skips that day alright?

P. S. I booked the BBQ pit at my house for the 10th of March for a StAJe thing. Whoever reads this, please pass the message.

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